We’ve been working on our giant wooden table, that has an usual shape because it was originally a prototype for the James Table – used in the mines to separate gold ore from ore in general.

Old prototypes

We’ve had to take off a few pieces around the edges, and Sean has been welding a frame together out of angle iron.

Well- we have now found legs for our table!

Three planks of wood, to become legs of tables

We had been thinking about these three planks that had been used for a workbench in one of the workshops at the old engineering factory.

The planks were from the old bench at the back, along the wall.

And after a good clean, we found some inspiration with chains and sprockets from Sean ‘s motorbike workshop.

We’re busy making the legs now to hold up our extraordinary table top.

Telana had the outside job of scrubbing more grease off the wooden planks, after we cut them to size.

After the months of lock-down, she found a little fern jungle growing in the drain outside.

Hopefully in the next week or so, we will have the wood ready to be bolted to the frame, and can turn the frame over and see how it looks right side up!

This is going to make a great talking piece in someone’s boardroom, restaurant or patio!