This weekend Sean bolted on the wooden legs, and we finished building the frame.

We then managed to put the whole giant table together to get a glimpse! And WOW! It is big and bold and beautiful!
We went from this:

to this:

The last phase is to paint the frame, and add resin to the wooden top to preserve it, and give it a glass finish!
We sanded the metal frame, and so it’s prepped now, ready for us to build a temporary spray booth. Then we’ll give it a clear coat of paint. That will be our next step in a week or two!
Until then, Sean and I are geeking out on video’s about pouring resin! And we’re planning an expedition to a place we found, to go get some resin supplies and to pick their expert brains 🙂
Here are some more pics of our giant table – soon to be a boardroom table, restaurant table or some lucky family’s giant patio table! (If that’s you- call us soon!)